Setting up an offshore team is undoubtedly a rewarding process; otherwise, none of the major accounting firms would undertake it; yet, it demands complete dedication and reasonable expectations.

How It Works

Steps to your Success

No doubt, setting up an offshore team is a rewarding process; otherwise, none of the big Accounting Firms would do so, but it requires 100% commitment and realistic expectations. At Star Sterling Outsource we have experienced repositioning firm or business as forward-looking ‘advisers’ rather than historical data reporting accountants is the primary reason firms set up offshore teams. The overseas team prepares financials, and the home team focuses on high-value advisory, business development, and growing the firm. Star Sterling Outsource have provided a detailed service flow overview of the process. However, for the successful implementation of offshore strategy, it’s paramount that the entire process is clearly laid out from the outset.

Interact with our Expert via Emeet

It’s a free, optional 60-90 minute Zoom call to learn about your company and your goals. We’ll create a plan and timeframe in that light. In particular, we’ll respond to all of your questions. You will have a clear idea of the plan you want to use after the call.

Plan your course of action.

The scope, timeframe, and costs will be agreed upon. There are no unpleasant surprises because our fees are clear and pre-agreed upon.

Decide what skills you require.

Any of our bookkeeping or accounting services are available for outsourcing. We would need to know what services you need or what positions you’re looking to fill. Please have a look at our suggested positions for bookkeepers, accountants, and other professionals.

Decide what skills you require.

Any of our bookkeeping or accounting services are available for outsourcing. We would need to know what services you need or what positions you’re looking to fill. Please have a look at our suggested positions for bookkeepers, accountants, and other professionals.


We will present you with video resumes and a shortlist of 3 to 7 individuals for each position based on your job roles. We may provide as few or as many CVs as you’d like, though. All applicants are thoroughly screened and referenced.


A final Zoom interview will be scheduled based on your availability. If necessary, you can also record the interview. Or (The interview can be recorded if required) (The interview can be recorded if required.)


We will give you wage package advice based on our understanding of the local market and the legislation. We will manage all local taxes and hire your personnel on your behalf. You’ll get an invoice from us each month that will be paid in a UK bank account. All local compliance, including agreements and rights relating to employment.

Set up

We will order a workstation, twin displays, a keyboard, mouse, and headphones based on your desired configuration choice (office or remote access). Access to USB and CD drives is restricted on all PCs. Google Meet or Microsoft Teams will be pre-set for each employee. They can also have a specific UK landline for receiving and making calls if necessary.


We plan a 5-day induction for new employees (often within 4 weeks of receiving an offer). We train the staff member on IT procedures, GDPR data protection, communication tools, and any other special topics you request, such as Xero or QBO refresher, during this time.

Joining Your Team

The employee works for you, exactly like every other employee in your UK office, except that she is located in a different branch office. Include them in the weekly and morning meetings. They will be accessible during the hours of your UK office.

On-Going Support

For local compliance, we’ll keep offering payroll and HR service. For any IT-related concerns, our devoted IT support team is on call. Additionally, we will arrange team-building activities, which in our experience are very important to maintain the team’s motivation. We want to work with you to find, develop, and keep the greatest personnel. If necessary, we may additionally provide training at your UK office for three to six months.

Bespoke Training

We have a library of courses on bookkeeping, accounting, Xero, QBO, and other topics as a premier source of accounting training in the UK. If necessary, we can give your staff member advanced practical training, saving you valuable time.

Review & Support

The only duty of your UK-based accounts manager is to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. You can contact us whenever you need. In order to guarantee the intended outcomes, we have organised regular e-Meets.

Reduce your stress by outsourcing to us. everyday activities!

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